Our Team

Even the best technologies need the best people with the right passion.
We have a core team of professionals ready to lead you to the moon and back … to the every project aims.

We Bring the Value of Professionalism

We are Always Dedicated to our Work
Are Leading Consultants that you can Trust
Say No to Laziness
We are One Big Family

Together, we achieve remarkable results that transcend the boundaries of what is currently achievable and unlock the true potential of our clients’ visions. We approach every client relationship with a unique and invigorating perspective, with an energy that constantly inspires action. Our commitment to teamwork, trust and an open attitude.

our leadership member

Meet Our Team of Experts

Our core principle was to invest in people, communities, and the success of our clients

Natalia Moskova

Lead QA team

Kostadin Angelov

DevOps Team Leads

Zlatin Etimov

DevOps Team Leads

Atidzhe Kestendzhieva

Business Analysis Team Lead

Bahar Mustafa

Software Development Lead

Contact With Us!

32-34 Okolchitsa str., 4004 Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Mon – Fri: 9.00am – 6.00pm / Holiday : Closed


Vasil Tabakov

Test and process architect, ISTQB certified advanced test analyst

Phone Number: (+359) 32 307-442

Email Address: info @ sqa.bg


Vasil is a co-founder of SQA Service LTD, Bulgaria and Head of Testing and Process consultancy department. He has more than 15 years of experience in both Quality Assurance and Quality Management. His profound understanding of the processes and broad technical expertise make him a key team player for our team. Vasil is deeply committed to quality of delivered solutions and performed services. He has great sense of paying attention to details, and possesses the ability to turn a vague concept into a creative solution.

  • Solid academic background – Master’s Degree in Computer Science
  • More than 25 years of experience in various business domains
  • Deep understanding of the IT business
  • In-depth awareness and passionate advocacy of SQA culture of work ethic, trust, and open communication
  • A Software engineer with a background in the Defense, Telecom and Banking sectors
  • A Team Manager with comprehensive expertise in complex OSS/BSS software solutions for Telco service providers

Natalia Moskova

Lead QA team

Phone Number: (+359) 32 307-440

Email Address: info @ sqa.bg


Natalia is a team leader that is fully engaged and committed to achieving the common team goal. She always seeks solutions rather than problems and when we need  professional advice she is always there. She is skilful in finding and utilizing people’s strengths and intuitively motivates us to rise above the daily tasks.


Bahar Mustafa

QA Team Leader

Phone Number: (+359) 32 307-442

Email Address: info @ sqa.bg


Bahar is our QA Engineer with deep knowledge of software testing process. Keeping deadlines, identifying and documenting software defects are second nature to him.


Atidzhe Kestendzhieva

QA Team Leader

Phone Number: (+359) 32 307-442

Email Address: info @ sqa.bg


Atidzhe is our QA engineer who has many years of experience in complex projects, occupying a leadership position by estimating the workload, setting goals, manage testing teams, and defining timelines.


Zlatin Etimov

QA Team Leader

Phone Number: (+359) 32 307-442

Email Address:  info @ sqa.bg


Zlatin is a QA Engineer involved in system and security testing projects. He is accustomed to working in complex projects environments requiring both analytical and exploratory testing techniques.


Kostadin Angelov

QA Team Leader

Phone Number: (+359) 32 307-442

Email Address: info @ sqa.bg


Kostadin is a compassionate team leader who is fuelled by positive energy. Sport taught him to discipline and never to give up but to strive for the higher goal. He is our fighter who sees each difficulty as another challenge. He gives us his knowledge and support for the sake of giving and as a result people in his team are brave and confident enough to execute ideas and to expand their field of expertise.